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2024-03-11 , 10:16
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2023-05-17 , 14:00
Paragraph on how to save the environment.
📌 It is imperative that we take immediate action to save our environment. One of the most effective ways to do so is by reducing our carbon footprint. This can be achieved by using public transportation, carpooling, and walking or biking instead of driving alone. Additionally, we must reduce our use of single-use plastics and recycle as much as possible. Planting trees and supporting conservation efforts are also crucial steps in preserving our environment. By taking these measures, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.
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2023-05-17 , 13:57
Argumentative paragraph about the pros and cons of the phone.
📌 The phone, as a technological advancement, has both its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it allows for easy communication with others, regardless of distance. It also serves as a multi-functional device, capable of providing access to the internet, entertainment, and various applications. However, the phone can also be a source of distraction, leading to decreased productivity and social isolation. Additionally, excessive phone usage has been linked to negative effects on mental health. Despite these drawbacks, the benefits of the phone outweigh the negatives. It is important to use the phone responsibly and in moderation, but overall, it is a valuable tool in modern society.
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2023-05-16 , 23:26
Implementing energy-saving solutions is crucial to combatting climate change and reducing our carbon footprint. By adopting simple practices like using LED bulbs, optimizing heating and cooling systems, and practicing mindful consumption, we can significantly decrease energy consumption and preserve valuable natural resources. This not only benefits the environment but also saves money in the long run. Embracing energy efficiency is a responsible choice for a sustainable future.
تنفيذ حلول لتوفير الطاقة أمر حاسم لمكافحة التغير المناخي والحد من أثرنا الكربوني. من خلال اعتماد ممارسات بسيطة مثل استخدام مصابيح LED وتحسين أنظمة التدفئة والتبريد وممارسة الاستهلاك المدروس، يمكننا تقليل استهلاك الطاقة بشكل كبير والحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية الثمينة. وهذا لا يؤثر فقط على البيئة، بل يوفر أيضًا المال على المدى الطويل. اعتماد كفاءة الطاقة خيار مسؤول لمستقبل مستدام.
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Enseignant(e)s à distance

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2023-05-16 , 23:23
Argumentative paragraph on how to save energy.
فقرة حجاجية حول كيفية توفير الطاقة.
📌 Implementing energy-saving habits like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and properly insulating homes can greatly reduce energy consumption. Critics argue that these efforts require extra effort and may not make a significant impact. تبني عادات توفير الطاقة مثل إطفاء الأنوار عند عدم الاستخدام، استخدام أجهزة كهربائية ذات كفاءة عالية، وعزل المنازل بشكل سليم يمكن أن يقلل بشكل كبير من استهلاك الطاقة. يعتبر النقاد أن هذه الجهود تتطلب مزيدًا من الجهد وقد لا تؤدي إلى تأثير كبير.
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2023-05-16 , 23:16
Paragraph on energy saving.
📝Saving energy is crucial in addressing climate change and reducing our environmental impact. Simple steps like using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not in use, and properly insulating our homes can make a significant difference. However, some argue that energy-saving measures are inconvenient or costly. Nonetheless, prioritizing energy conservation is vital for a sustainable future and preserving our planet's resources.

التوفير في استهلاك الطاقة أمر حاسم للتصدي لتغير المناخ وتقليل تأثيرنا البيئي. خطوات بسيطة مثل استخدام أجهزة ذات كفاءة طاقة، إيقاف الأنوار عند عدم الحاجة، وعزل المنازل بشكل سليم يمكن أن تحقق فارقاً كبيراً. ومع ذلك، يشدد البعض على أن إجراءات التوفير في الطاقة غير مريحة أو مكلفة. ومع ذلك، فإن التحلي بالأولوية للحفاظ على الطاقة أمر حيوي لضمان مستقبل مستدام والحفاظ على موارد كوكبنا.
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2023-05-16 , 23:01
📝Writing: Environmental Problems in My City and Suggestions to Solve Them

In my city a lot of people complain about the problems of environment for many reasons. First, the streets are very dirty because people don't throw waste in the trash bins. Second, the rate of air pollution is increasing because of the smoke of cars and factories which emit/give off poisonous gas. This made many people suffer from health problems (respiratory problems and heart diseases). Besides, the population don't preserve nature and the wild life. They hunt animals and cut tree carelessly.
To overcome this problem, I suggest that we should sensitize people to the importance of environment. In addition, the population ought to write letters to the local council and local associations to provide them with trash bins in every street corner. The government should create sever
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2023-05-16 , 22:57
Paragraph on car maintenance.
✔️ Regular car maintenance, such as checking the oil and tyre pressure, is crucial for ensuring a safe and efficient driving experience. Neglecting these simple tasks can lead to engine damage, reduced fuel efficiency, and even accidents. By staying proactive and performing routine maintenance, we can prolong the lifespan of our vehicles, save money on repairs, and most importantly, keep ourselves and others safe on the road.

الصيانة المنتظمة للسيارة، مثل فحص زيت المحرك وضغط الإطارات، أمر ضروري لضمان تجربة قيادة آمنة وفعالة. إهمال هذه المهام البسيطة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تلف المحرك وتقليل كفاءة استهلاك الوقود، وحتى وقوع حوادث. من خلال البقاء مبادرين وأداء الصيانة الروتينية، يمكننا تمديد عمر مركباتنا وتوفير المال على عمليات الإصلاح، والأهم من ذلك، الحفاظ على سلامتنا وسلامة الآخرين على الطريق.
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2023-05-16 , 22:48
Résumé 🌌 english 🌌
All the year.
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2023-05-16 , 22:42
topic space tourism
advantages and disadvantages
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2023-05-16 , 22:33
4th year / unit 4 : convincing someone to quit smoking
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2023-05-16 , 22:30
Writing linkers
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2023-05-16 , 20:12
Argumentative paragraph about the difference between living in the city and in the countryside.
فقرة حجاجية حول الفرق في العيش في المدينة و في الريف.
📌Living in the city provides easy access to amenities and job opportunities, but it also means traffic congestion, pollution, and high living costs. Living in the countryside offers a peaceful environment, fresh air, and a close connection to nature, but it can be isolating and lack access to modern conveniences. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but it ultimately depends on personal preferences and lifestyle.

العيش في المدينة يوفر سهولة الوصول إلى وسائل الراحة وفرص العمل، لكنه يعني أيضًا ازدحام المرور والتلوث وارتفاع تكاليف المعيشة. يوفر العيش في الريف بيئة هادئة وهواء نقي وصلة قرب مع الطبيعة، لكنه يمكن أن يكون معزولًا ويفتقر إلى وسائل الراحة الحديثة. لكلٍ منهما مزايا وعيوب، ولكن يعتمد الأمر في
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2023-05-16 , 20:06
Argumentative paragraph about the difference between living in the city and in the countryside.
فقرة حجاجية حول الفرق في العيش في المدينة و في الريف.
📌 Living in the city offers convenience, opportunities, and a bustling atmosphere, but comes with noise, pollution, and high living costs. In the countryside, one can enjoy tranquility, cleaner air, and a closer connection to nature, but may face limited amenities and job opportunities. It's a matter of personal preference, whether one seeks the excitement of the city or the peacefulness of the countryside.

Translation (ترجمة):
العيش في المدينة يوفر الراحة، الفرص والأجواء الحيوية، ولكنه يأتي بالضجيج والتلوث وتكاليف المعيشة المرتفعة. في الريف، يمكن للشخص الاستمتاع بالهدوء والهواء النقي وصلة أقرب بالطبيعة، ولكن قد يواجه قدرًا محدودًا من المرافق وفرص العمل. إنها مسألة اختيار شخصي، سواء كنت تبحث عن إثارة المدينة أو هدوء الريف.
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2023-05-16 , 18:18
How to get rid of environmental problems.
كيفية التخلّص من المشاكل البيئية.
Here are ways to address environmental problems, explained in simpler terms for beginners in English, along with their translations in Arabic:

1. Reduce Waste: Limit the amount of waste you generate and properly dispose of it. (تقليل النفايات: قم بتقليل كمية النفايات التي تنتجها والتخلص منها بشكل صحيح.)

2. Conserve Energy: Save electricity by turning off lights and unplugging unused devices. (توفير الطاقة: قم بتوفير الكهرباء عن طريق إطفاء الأنوار وفصل الأجهزة غير المستخدمة.)

3. Use Sustainable Transportation: Opt for walking, biking, or public transportation to reduce emissions. (استخدام وسائل نقل مستدامة: اختر المشي أو ركوب الدراجة أو استخدام وسائل النقل العام للحد من انبعاثات الغازات.)

4. Conserve Water: Be mindful of water usage, fix leaks, and use water-efficient appliances. (توفير
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2023-05-16 , 18:07
Ways to get rid of smoking
طرق الإقلاع عن التدخين
1. Choose a Quit Date: Pick a specific day to stop smoking and stick to it.
2. Get Support: Seek help from friends, family, or support groups who can encourage and assist you.
3. Use Nicotine Replacement: Consider using nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges to reduce cravings.
4. Change Habits: Identify and avoid triggers that make you want to smoke, and find healthier alternatives.
5. Stay Busy: Engage in activities that keep your mind and hands occupied, such as hobbies or exercise.
6. Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset, focusing on the benefits of quitting and the progress you make.
7. Reward Yourself: Celebrate milestones, like a smoke-free week or month, and treat yourself for your accomplishments.
8. Stay Persistent: If you have setbacks, don't give up. Learn from them
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2023-05-16 , 17:54
20) Argumentative paragraph on how to get rid of environmental problems.
فقرة حجاجية حول كيفية التخلّص من المشاكل البيئية.
📌 To effectively address environmental problems, a collective effort is paramount. Governments must enforce stricter regulations on pollution and encourage sustainable practices. Industries should adopt eco-friendly technologies and prioritize renewable energy sources. Individuals must embrace responsible consumption, reduce waste, and advocate for conservation. By working together, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come.
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2023-05-16 , 17:52
19) Argumentative paragraph on how to get rid of environmental problems.
فقرة حجاجية حول كيفية التخلّص من المشاكل البيئية.
📌 Addressing environmental problems requires a collective effort. Governments must enforce stricter regulations on pollution and promote sustainable practices. Industries should invest in cleaner technologies. Individuals must embrace eco-friendly habits like recycling and conserving resources. Education and awareness campaigns are crucial to inspire change. Together, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future for our planet.
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2023-05-16 , 17:51
18) Argumentative paragraph on how to get rid of environmental problems.
فقرة حجاجية حول كيفية التخلّص من المشاكل البيئية.
📌 To address environmental problems, collective action is vital. Governments must enforce stricter regulations on pollution and deforestation while promoting renewable energy sources. Industries should adopt sustainable practices, reduce waste, and prioritize eco-friendly technologies. Education and awareness campaigns can empower individuals to make conscious choices and conserve resources. Together, we can create a greener, healthier planet for future generations.
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2023-05-16 , 17:50
17) Argumentative paragraph on how to get rid of environmental problems.
فقرة حجاجية حول كيفية التخلّص من المشاكل البيئية.
📌 To tackle environmental problems, collective action is crucial. Governments must enforce strict regulations on emissions, promote renewable energy, and preserve natural resources. Industries must adopt sustainable practices and prioritize eco-friendly solutions. Individuals should embrace sustainable habits, reduce waste, and support conservation efforts. Only through united efforts can we ensure a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.
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الموقع يحتوي على اشهارات يمكنك استعمال الموقع بدون اشهارات في حالة الاشتراك معلوم الاشتراك 15د للثلاثي الطريقة الوحيدة للاشتراك هي ان تراسلنا عالهاتف او عالوتساب على الرقم 93725135