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2023-05-16 , 23:01
📝Writing: Environmental Problems in My City and Suggestions to Solve Them

In my city a lot of people complain about the problems of environment for many reasons. First, the streets are very dirty because people don't throw waste in the trash bins. Second, the rate of air pollution is increasing because of the smoke of cars and factories which emit/give off poisonous gas. This made many people suffer from health problems (respiratory problems and heart diseases). Besides, the population don't preserve nature and the wild life. They hunt animals and cut tree carelessly.
To overcome this problem, I suggest that we should sensitize people to the importance of environment. In addition, the population ought to write letters to the local council and local associations to provide them with trash bins in every street corner. The government should create sever laws to punish anyone who throws waste in the street. Moreover, it will be a brilliant idea if people use bicycles on weekends. In this way, air pollution will be decreased noticeably. Furthermore, we should create more green areas around the city.
In brief, having a clean environment will not only polish the picture of the city, but will also help in attracting more tourist as our economy is based on tourism.
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