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2025-02-16 , 11:30
2025-02-06 , 15:00
Des exercices du module 3 :health and environment

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2025-02-04 , 17:52
2025-02-04 , 16:56
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2025-02-04 , 11:27
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2025-01-14 , 15:44
English Test n°3 + correction
2025-01-12 , 14:19
9th grade
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2025-01-10 , 15:00
Exercice de revision english

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2025-01-10 , 14:51
9th form: paragraphs covering all modules #
1-One of my best school memories; first day at school
I still remember my first day at school. My mother accompanied me to school on the first day. The first lesson was English. The teacher was cheerful, helpful and cool. He told us funny stories. He gave us some sweets and asked us about our names. It was an enjoyable time for me and my new classmates. In fact, soon we were laughing and playing together. It had been a wonderful and unforgettable first day at school.
2- Advantages of the internet:
First of all, I think that the Internet brings us many benefits. People can have access to the latest news, weather, traffic etc... Another important benefit is that the Internet is a great means of communication. A few years ago it was rather difficult toAfficher la suite
3-Disadvantages (drawbacks) of the internet:
The internet has many disadvantages. First of all, some pupils spend a lot of time surfing on the internet and neglect their studies which results in bad results at school. Second, the internet is not always secure since there are many hackers who may illegally violate our security and privacy through gathering information about people then using it for inhuman purposes. Third, teenagers should not be allowed to surf on the net on their own since there are some bad sites. Finally, the internet has replaced books and people are no longer interested in reading.
4-Internet shopping
Internet is a good learning tool for children. It has many functions. Thanks to it, people can chat, send and receive files, look for information, send messages and do internet shopping. Within internet shopping, people can buy different things even they are at home. However, this service is not always safe and people must be careful. Shopping on the net may be sometimes risky and people should mind hackers when they buy goods or products on the net.
                  There are many things that endanger our health and I think that smoking is the most serious one. In fact, this nasty habit is widespread among a large number of people and especially teenagers. This bad habit may lead to many harmful diseases such as lung cancer, asthma, emphysema and certain heart diseases. It is not only a waste of money but also a factor that can shorten the life of smokers by ten years or more. So, people should be aware about its dangers and they should automatically get rid of it to have a better and safer life.
6- Generation gap 
Generation gap is a broad difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between parents and their children in the choice of music, restaurant, clothing and so on.  We can also mention the difference in customs, attitudes, and beliefs between any two generations especially between youths and adults. Generation gap is the major reason today why parents and children are moving away from each other. To avoid that, all members of the same family should understand each other and try to accept each other’s ideas and opinions. They should me more understanding and cooperative with each other
       Our planet is suffering from many big problems which do not only threaten human beings but also plants and animals. In fact there are many problems that endanger our environment such as acid rain; global warming but I think that pollution is the most serious one. There are three types of pollution: air, land, and water pollution. Human beings are responsible for that. This bad phenomenon leads to many harmful diseases such as asthma, lung cancer, stoke, and breathing problems. So, people should shake hand in hand to get rid of it and save our planet and keep it safe for future generations
8- Violence at school:
Violence at school is a bad phenomenon, that’s why pupils should try to avoid it as far as possible. Pupils should be tolerant with others and should respect their classmates. They should not in any way fight or quarrel with them. Pupils should be cooperative and shouldn’t resort to violence and aggression in any way.
9-Sharing family responsibilities:
All members of the family should have an equal role at home and try to help each other as much as possible. For example, the father can look after the children and help them in doing their homework. The mother is responsible for cooking and cleaning and the children can help also in different ways such as watering plants, doing the shopping and even cleaning the house.

10-Family relationships:
I love my sister Asma because she is cheerful, helpful, kind, generous and easy- going .We get on well with each other. She always helps me and she never lets me down. I turn to her for comfort and she always consolidates me. We spend most of the time together. We never fight and we share many things such as ideas and clothes.
My father is very strict and authoritarian and he is always making remarks about my behavior and he even chooses my friends for me. My mother is very lenient and understanding. She always advises me and provides me with enough pocket money. My brother Tom is always busy and he is addicted to the internet.
11-Pocket money:
There are different attitudes towards giving kids pocket money. Some are for while others are against.
First, it’s an opportunity to learn financial independence. Second, it enables them to learn the value of money. Third, it gives them the opportunity to buy whatever they want like stationeries, sweets, C Ds etc….
However, it has some disadvantages. On the one hand, some kids who receive a big amount of money may squander it on many unnecessary things. On the other hand, they may learn bad habits such as smoking. Furthermore, it teaches them laziness because they do not make any effort to earn money. Finally, once they don’t receive enough pocket money, they will be obliged to borrow it from their peers.
In a nutshell, pocket money has as many advantages as disadvantages.

12-Means of transport:
There are different means of transport. For example, the bus, the train, the plane, the underground, and the car. People are free to choose any means of transport they like. In Britain, the most common means of transport is the double- Decker bus. My best means of transport is the car because it’s fast, comfortable and convenient.
 Tunisia is a touristic place and tourists come to visit it from the entire world to enjoy its beauty. It is known for its lovely beaches and nice weather. Tunisian people are known for their hospitality and kindness. There are many places to visit like Sousse, Hammamet and Monastir. Tourists can also go to the South to visit the Sahara and they can also visit historic places such as Carthage or Eljam.
14-Violence at school
The school is a place where pupils get lessons and learn different things. However, there are bad behaviors and actions that pupils should avoid. First, pupils mustn’t play rough (dangerous) games during the break and they mustn’t quarrel. Second, they shouldn’t make silly remarks about each other. Also, they mustn’t interrupt the teacher or make silly about him too. Finally, they shouldn’t play with sharp things or throw them on their classmates.
15-Voluntary work/ activities :
They are noble activities that contribute to a solid and healthy society. It can be either individual or group activities. I think that we should teach our children from an early age how to help the poor, the patients, the disabled, and all those who are in need. 
There are many types of voluntary work such as donating blood, planting trees, gathering litter, helping needy people or feeding the homeless, raising money for animal protection, helping the elderly or handicapped persons to cross the street .As the proverb tells “A friend in need, is a friend indeed”
There are many organizations that have the task of helping people and animals or protecting the environment. We can mention UNISCO, UNICEF, he GREEN PEACE…..
People should cooperate and help each other. With a simple action or smile we can make others happy and make a better world reigned by the brotherhood of mankind .No one has become poor by giving.
The media plays a big role in making people more aware about the importance of helping others. 
16-Tolerance and respect for others:
Tolerance is the willingness to allow people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing them. No two people in the world are exactly alike. All people even identical twins have their own experiences and their viewpoints. You do not have to like the same food or music as your friends, practice the same religion, or dress the same way. But you might want to be open to learn about those differences. People should learn how to be tolerant with others and accept them even if they are different. People should learn how to live in peace with people different from them. They should avoid wars and conflicts and try to accept and respect the others’ ideas, traditions, and thoughts.
2025-01-01 , 18:21
Present Continuous Tense
Present Simple Tense
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2024-12-11 , 13:10
تمرين انقليزية من فرض تأليفي عدد 1 تاسعة أساسي

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2024-12-10 , 13:41
2024-12-07 , 10:47

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2024-12-03 , 23:58
2024-11-15 , 20:11
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2024-11-10 , 12:14
2024-11-05 , 19:44
Publication gratuite
2024-11-04 , 08:56
تلاخيص الانقليزية ثلاثي اول و ثاني انقليزية تاسعة أساسي
2024-10-31 , 00:45
fiche de lecture
2024-10-31 , 00:42
review sheet
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