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Aziza Prof
2024-10-20 , 07:00

Test: Fill in the Blanks
1. Before he _______ (leave), he _______ (finish) his homework.
2. They were exhausted because they _______ (work) all day.
3. After she _______ (eat) breakfast, she started _______ (get) ready for school.
4. I couldn’t find my keys because I _______ (lose) them at the park.
5. While _______ (wait) for the bus, they _______ (realize) they had forgotten their tickets.
6. By the time the movie started, we _______ (already/finish) _______ (buy) snacks.
7. He apologized for _______ (break) the vase after he _______ (clean) the room.
8. She was excited because she _______ (never/be) to a concert before.
9. The teacher _______ (ask) us if we _______ (complete) the assignment.
10. After _______ (study) all night, I _______ (decide) to take a short nap.
11. They regretted _______ (not/prepare) for the exam after they _______ (see) the questions.
12. I was late because I _______ (forget) to set my alarm before _______ (go) to bed.
13. The children started _______ (play) as soon as they _______ (finish) their chores.
14. He _______ (visit) the museum after he _______ (hear) about the new exhibition.
15. We were tired from _______ (hike) after we _______ (spend) all day in the mountains.

Answer Key:

1. left, had finished
2. had worked
3. had eaten, getting
4. had lost
5. waiting, realized
6. had already finished, buying
7. breaking, had cleaned
8. had never been
9. asked, had completed
10. studying, decided
11. not preparing, had seen
12. had forgotten, going
13. playing, had finished
14. visited, had heard
15. hiking, had spent
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