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Aziza Prof
2024-06-14 , 08:02
When writing a paragraph, start with a clear topic sentence to introduce the main idea follow this with supporting sentences that provide details examples and explanations to elaborate on the topic maintain coherence by ensuring that each sentence logically flows from one to the next use transitions to link ideas and create a smooth progression avoid overly complex sentences and jargon to keep the writing accessible and clear vary sentence structures to maintain reader interest and finally conclude the paragraph with a sentence that reinforces the main idea or provides a transition to the next point remember to revise and edit for clarity and conciseness to ensure the paragraph effectively communicates the intended message

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الموقع يحتوي على اشهارات يمكنك استعمال الموقع بدون اشهارات في حالة الاشتراك الطريقة الوحيدة للاشتراك هو مراسلتنا على الوتساب على الرقم َValider votre compte