Enviromental and weather issues(pollution,global warming,ozone deplétion...)
Health issues (smoking,diseas, bad attitude in eating and drinking..)
Social and ather issues: joblessness, ecoodriving...
They are more job in city than in the country that's why people choose to migrate from country.
so what are the other reasons of this migration and what are the advantages and disadvantages of mooving there ?
The raison: -Joblessness
- Luck of means of transport and entertaiment...
**/ Advantages :
- More chance to have a job
- Diffrent means of entertaiment(cinema.. parcks..hotels..centers of
- Means of transports
- Good services (hospitals..school ..university..)
**/ Disadvantages:
-No fresh air
-Noosy athmosphre/stress and strain
-Luck of sense of community
-Violence drogue addiction and other bad attitude
-Bad life quality /accident
- Expensive life style
-Families volues are disepears
*/, Conclusion :
Despites the problems of city life,many people continue mov
ing there .
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