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1-Fill in the blanks with words from the box: (3marks)

happier – sense – walking – spare – walk – at – surfing – in
There are 2 extra words

I don’t have a lot of spare time because I am a mother of three children and a teacher at the same time. I have
many things to do for my family and my students but what I really enjoy doing in my .........................time especially
in the holiday is .................... the net, joining my English club, and checking my e-mails because I like to keep
..................... touch with my students and my friends. I like to learn new things so I try to download new
programmes. I think my computer brings the world into my living room. I am never .......................... than when I am
playing and makingAfficher la suite cake with my kids. They give ......................... to my life. I sometimes love to go for a
..................... at sunset with my sister. We speak and laugh together and I find walking very relaxing.
2- Complete the following conversation in A using the right parts from B (2 marks)

Barbara: Hi, Katherine, how are you?
Katherine: I’m great and you?
Barbara: --------------------------! (1) I’m jogging now, but later
I have to do a lot!
Katherine: What do you have to do?
Barbara: well, -----------------------, (2) I have to do the
shopping. We don’t have anything to eat at home.
Katherine: and then?
Barbara: Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon.
Katherine: Oh, how’s his team doing?
Barbara: They’re doing really well. Next week, they are
travelling to Toronto for a tournament.
Katherine: ---------------------(4).
Barbara: What are you doing today?
Katherine: I’m meeting some friends for lunch. I don’t have
much to do today.
Barbara: You are so lucky!
Katherine: No, you are the lucky one?-------------------(5)
Barbara: would you join us and watch Jonny’s match?
Barbara: See you at 3 then.

a-That’s great!
b- He gets on my nerves.
c-So, I’m driving him to the game.
d- I spend most of my time relaxing.
e- first of all
f- I’d like to have so many things to do.
g- very busy
H- Of course. I would.

1 ------
2 ------
3 ------
4 ------
5 ------
6 -------
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devoir de francais 8 ème
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